Establishing A Plan For Hospital Visits

Hi Mumma,

Those first few days after your little one enters the world can be a whirlwind, and that doesn't even include all the visits from friends and family both in hospital and when you get home. Its so important for you to establish your limits early and to make sure you share them with anyone who may feel compelled to visit. Let's take the time to talk about establishing rules for visitors while you are in the hospital. Family and friends are going to be excited to visit and meet the newest addition to your family. Unfortunately some won't stop to think about the best time for you. Most hospitals have visiting hours but there are a few that may have unrestricted times. This leaves it wide open for your visitors to freely choose the best time for them to visit, and I can assure you that will not be the best time for YOU to have them visit! We have put together a list of all things to consider when setting your hospital (and home) visit guidelines.


Knowing your hospital’s policy on visitor hours and other general information, (this can be done when you visit your hospital ), will allow you and your partner time to discuss both of your expectations on when Family and Friends are to visit. Some of you might find that you need the morning to get to know your little one and establish the start of a routine. Therefore you would ask that no one would visit before lunch. While others might enjoy having the evenings to yourselves and to relax, together. Visitors would be asked not to come after 5pm.

Other Things You May Like to Discuss

  1. How many visitors would you like in your room at the one time.
  2. Would you like only adults to visit and children to visit once you are at home.
  3. Would you prefer gifts to be given once you are at home


Taking this time to embrace being a new mum or adding another addition to your family, should not become a guilt trip. Making sure you are getting what you need at this time is important. So appoint yourself a gatekeeper to handle that visitor that has outstayed their welcome or who will notify family and friends if you aren't feeling well enough to have visitors for the day. Your partner would make a perfect gatekeeper, as he/she would be wanting to keep you happy and relaxed. You may also like to ask a family member or friend  to take on this job. Just make sure it’s someone you trust to make the best decisions for you and your new little love. 

Having clear communication with your partner, family and friends while establishing expectations for all visitors, will help create a lifetime of happy memories.


This is the key in having a stress free hospital stay, it is very important to communicate how you are feeling to your partner during this time. Emotions will be running high and being in hospital can become a very overwhelming experience, especially for a new mum who has just gone through one of the wildest times of her life. Having clear communication with your partner, family and friends while establishing expectations for all visitors, will help create a lifetime of happy memories.


Being a new parent or adding to your existing family should be a positive and uplifting experience. You have been waiting a very long time for one of the biggest life changing events that you will go through. Take the time and steps to reduce any outside stress, it is your time to be a little selfish. Also, remember that the situation may change, as your labour and delivery may go differently than planned. Be prepared for your expectations to change during this time, let your family and friends know that this may happen.


Make sure you have your camera packed for that long awaited first official first photo. Team your favourite Snuggly Jacks Wrap with one of  our Wooden Announcement Disc or our newest Announcement Disc ‘Welcome Little One,(available 2nd Feb 2023)  for the perfect photo. We would love to see you beautiful newborn, so tag us, when posting.  


Visitors will definitely pop around uninvited when you and your little one get home. Those first few weeks can be a buzz of activity and excitement for everyone you know. Set some clear visiting hours for at home as well. Grab one of our Sleeping Baby Door Hangers and make sure you put it on your front door outside those hours.

Congratulations Mumma, you are about to embark on the greatest journey of your life.

Katie & Amylee



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